Platforms & Databases

Some of the consortium members' existing platforms and databases

CINUMED - Mediterranean Digital City

Cinumed is a platform for pooling and sharing knowledge in the field of Mediterranean studies in the humanities and social sciences: interdisciplinary digital content from research, publishing and documentation activities. Periodicals, heritage collections (archives, iconography, printed matter, knowledge bases, etc.), multimedia content (video, audio), bibliography, chronicles, cartography...
The challenge is to place Mediterranean issues at the heart of a unique electronic system, a reference portal with evolving content and functionalities accessible to all users, individual or collective: students, researchers, the general public, institutions...

DEMOMED - Mediterranean Demographic Observatory Platform

The Observatoire démographique de la Méditerranée is made up of teacher-researchers and researchers working on population issues in the Mediterranean. Both international and multi-disciplinary (demography, geography, sociology, statistics), the team is committed to simultaneously taking into account spatial and temporal dimensions in demographic analyses. This approach takes a fresh look at the interpretation of demographic indicators, revealing the singular spatial organization of social phenomena.
In addition to its scientific output, the Observatoire démographique de la Méditerranée aims to share its knowledge and data with a wider public than just academics. The Internet portal and database are innovative tools for researchers and civil society players wishing to gain a better understanding of Mediterranean populations.


CROBORA studies the circulation of stock shots in the media space. Digitization facilitates the flow of content across countries, cultural and technical contexts. These mediations act as borders in the migratory movement of content : they allow circulation but impose reshapings. CROBORA trace and analyze the re-use of audiovisual archives on television and on the web, focusing on content that speaks about European integration. The objective is to understand how circulation contributes to forging visual memories.

Open Edition

Digital resources and scientific communication including :

Nearly 15,000 books :
Around 500 journals :
5000 carnets :
Plus de 55.000 events :

Coran 12-21

The Qur'an 12-21 website is unrivalled: at the cutting edge of digital textual humanities, it presents translations of the Qur'an from the 12th to the 21st century, from both a scientific and political perspective, resolving conflictualities through science, on one of today's most contentious subjects.

PUD-AMU - Aix-Marseille University Data Platform

The PUD-AMU is aimed at researchers, doctoral students and students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It supports the scientific community in the research and use of quantitative data, their software processing and statistical analysis.
The specificity of the PUD-AMU is its expertise in quantitative data for the Mediterranean area.

Bibliography of Early Egypt (BEO) - Cité numérique de la Méditerranée

Bibliography of the prehistory and protohistory of Egypt and northern Sudan with 18,000 references.

Mapping the Childhood

Mapping memory. The Jewish presence in Thessaloniki


Anthroponyms and Genealogies of Ancient Egypt

MMSH Images

Research images from the Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme

ArcaDIIS - Archaeological Data Infrastructure for Interoperability and Sharing

Project's Presentation :

A platform that can be pooled to meet the needs of resource management and the dissemination of bodies of data resulting from archaeological research in the Mediterranean, to increase their visibility and reuse. More broadly, its aim is to promote and editorialize the data and products of archaeological and archaeoscientific research.

Le Grand Entrepôt

BDD NAKALA Images, Illustrations, Statistics, Maps...

CESAM - Mapping Aix-Marseille's scientific skills and facilities

Platform dedicated to finding collaborations with research laboratories (expertise, study or training services, thesis contracts, research collaboration, valorization of research results & technology transfer).

Pôle Archives Bibliothèques (Archives and Libraries Division)

Collaborative platform for the MMSH's documentary tools and archives More than 300,000 books and journals on the Mediterranean worlds, photographic and sound archives, training in research and conservation of collections

Fabrique des écritures ethnographiques (Ethnographic Writing Factory)

Platform for research using image and sound, training, production support, festival: A device enabling researchers to project themselves into an alternative production of their research.

DeCoSEAS - « Décolonisation des archives sonores d’Asie du Sud Est » (“Decolonizing the sound archives of Southeast Asia")

DeCoSEAS aims to produce four digital, open access collections of music and sound from Southeast Asia that are now located in repositories in Europe.

LABΩ- Collaborative teaching and research platform.

With 500 researchers (CNRS, Inserm, Universities, ENS...) and over 100 projects in Beta version, the platform is already up and running. It is the only complete response to European security requirements for digital collaborative tools (French servers, in-house tool). Incubated to become a SCIC whose social purpose will be the inclusion of young disabled researchers.

REPERtORIUM - cncm voce

A large part of the collection has been used to reconstitute forgotten voices from the sacred and secular polyphonic repertoire, and to research and reconstruct instruments no longer in use. It provides an insight into the musical richness of Corsica through the moving testimonies of singers who are bearers of a living tradition. Most of this rich musical material has been analyzed, giving rise to an original teaching method: mimophony.

Athen Social Atlas

The Social Atlas of Athens aims to highlight the main structures and processes that shape the city's social fabric, and some of the many ways in which they are interwoven with its everyday functioning and built environment. The majority of entries in the Atlas come from recent or earlier works on Athens, which have provided data and interpretations that are often not widely known.

RIM- Representations and Imaginations of the Mediterranean

The RIM database offers an open, collaborative and interactive digital research tool, based on the “Rethinking the Mediterranean” axis of the Cnetre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine.

CoSav Migrations

Database of all research involving migration between IRD and its partners

WebMuseo MNHI

Database of the collections of the Musée national de l'histoire de l'immigration (over 11,000 documentary records).
Accessible internally and on request for researchers, soon to be available on a public portal.