Distribution to the general public online (Scientific Culture online)

A few examples of distribution to the general public:

Mediterranean travel: turbulent governance


A game of goose to explore the issues affecting the Mediterranean Sea. The game's squares raise questions about demographics, natural resources, environmental protection and conflicts between sea users. To win, you've got to get to port first!

Minimum 2 players / 30min game / from 12 years old

Coexistence in the Mediterranean


An online exhibition to discuss coexistence in the Mediterranean with researchers from the TELEMMe laboratory around three creations: La casa d'Italia de Marseille, Lieux de coexistence and la Babelothèque.
La casa d'Italia de Marseille: windows onto a third Rome, with an investigation into a dissonant place of memory in Marseille's heritage, a unique example of fascist architecture on French soil.
Places of coexistence: three interviews in the Cité to explore coexistences based on a place in the city, a monument, a high school and a public space, conceived both as a theater and as a driving force for urban coexistence.
La babelothèque, objets de coexistence(s): one object, two researchers, a dialogical encounter. This is the format of this creation, which offers a curious collection.
Website of the Science and Arts Festival that will accompany the future MEMO Interdisciplinary Festival

Supported by Aix Marseille Université and its partners, more numerous every year (the Mucem, La Criée, the APHM, the CNRS, the IRD, the Théâtre Antoine Vitez, the 3 bis f center d'arts contemporains, the City of Aix-en-Provence and its Biennale, the City of Marseille, the Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, Espace Éthique Paca Corse and Espace Éthique IDF, Frac Sud - Cité de l'art contemporain, Université Gustave Eiffel, ARTE Campus, The Conversation, 1Hebdo, France Bleu Provence), the Festival continues to enliven the back-to-school season with its interdisciplinary and interprofessional programming.

Why is the notion of migration misleading?


Echo-science videos
Videos created by youtubers in collaboration with scientists from the Southern Region tell us more about current research projects in a wide range of disciplines.
In season 1, youtuber Mister Geopolitix explains why the notion of migration is misleading, with Virginie Baby-Collin, Sophie Bouffier and Stéphane Mourlane, researchers at Aix-Marseille University's Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'Homme (MMSH).
It's easy to see the notion of migration as a fixed and definitive phenomenon, but it's far more complex than that. To grasp the question of the circulation of people, practices, knowledge and ideas in space and time, we need notions of history, geography, sociology, archaeology and political science.

MUCEM's Podcast


Climate migration: traffic jams coming soon? Les Procès du siècle - Shared struggles
Last September, more than 11,000 migrants disembarked on Lampedusa in the space of a few days, doubling the population of this tiny 20-square-kilometer island and plunging the European Union into yet another existential crisis.
This scenario is likely to be repeated, and even intensified, in different regions of the world, due to global warming and the migrations it is likely to generate: while in 2021, 24 million people were displaced by climatic events, World Bank figures predict 260 million climate-displaced people in 2030, and up to 1.2 billion in 2050!
So what's to be done? Build walls and fortresses? Or think about setting up global governance on these issues?

Youtube chanel of the de Mediterranean and Transitions Chair


Civil societies, urban and territorial transitions in the Mediterranean
Sustainable tourism and leisure in the Mediterranean: challenges and prospects in the Southern Region - The oasis as a bulwark against global warming...

Strategic Compass
PodCast from the Mediterranean Foundation for Strategic Studies (FMES)


Each week, an eminent personality is invited to share his or her analysis of topical issues.
Topics covered include geopolitics, religious issues, migratory flows, the economy, maritime issues and environmental issues.

Migration & Work Seminar


Go to the permanent seminar page