An rVNS metaheuristic to optimize airport ground-handling: a focus on catering operations assignment
As processing power grows and discoveries are made, previously dicult problems surrounding airport management become solvable. Specically, automatizing ground-handling operations to reach yet unmatched eciency through optimization. We are interested in the catering problem, a blend of vehicle routing problems and scheduling problems, which can be categorized as a simultaneous supply & delivery problem. The MTCVRSPTW-MB (Multi-Trip Capacitated Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Time Windows and Meal Breaks) is extended to a heterogeneous eet of trucks and drivers, with qualications and dierent load patterns. We introduce a greedy heuristic to solve a relaxed version of the problem, as a baseline. Then, we implement a cooperative rVNSbased metaheuristic. We compare our algorithms on multiple real-life instances at San Francisco International Airport. Our computational study shows the effectiveness of each approach and brings out the strength of our metaheuristic. Our algorithms will help ground handlers specialized in catering operations, to speed up the decision-making process of assigning hundreds of tasks every day. In particular, we show the multiple extra benets of the metaheuristic approach, including minimizing fuel consumption and allowing dynamic task re-assignment.