Présentation du LCPQ

Le LCPQ (UMR 5626, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantique) est un laboratoire de recherche localisé sur le campus de l'Université de Toulouse. Il regroupe des chercheurs dont les activités couvrent plusieurs domaines de la Chimie Théorique -essentiellement quantique- et de la Physique Moléculaire Théorique.

Le LCPQ est membre de la Fédération de recherche FeRMI (Fédération de recherche Matière et Interactions - FR2051), anciennement IRSAMC (Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes)..

Avant 2007 =>, voir le Laboratoire de Physique Quantique HAL-LPQ.


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In this work, we reexamine the Dailey–Townes model by systematically investigating the electric field gradient (EFG) in various chlorine compounds, dihalogens, and the uranyl ion (UO22+). Through the use of relativistic molecular calculations and projection analysis, we decompose the EFG expectation value in terms of atomic reference orbitals. We show how the Dailey–Townes model can be seen as an approximation to our projection analysis. Moreover, we observe for the chlorine compounds that, in general, the Dailey–Townes model deviates from the total EFG value. We show that the main reason for this is that the Dailey–Townes model does not account for contributions from the mixing of valence p-orbitals with subvalence ones. We also find a non-negligible contribution from core polarization. This can be interpreted as Sternheimer shielding, as discussed in an appendix. The predictions of the Dailey–Townes model are improved by replacing net populations with gross ones, but we have not found any theoretical justification for this. Subsequently, for the molecular systems X–Cl (where X = I, At, and Ts), we find that with the inclusion of spin–orbit interaction, the (electronic) EFG operator is no longer diagonal within an atomic shell, which is incompatible with the Dailey–Townes model. Finally, we examine the EFG at the uranium position in UO22+, where we find that about half the EFG comes from core polarization. The other half comes from the combination of the U≡O bonds and the U(6p) orbitals, the latter mostly nonbonding, in particular with spin–orbit interaction included. The analysis was carried out with molecular orbitals localized according to the Pipek–Mezey criterion. Surprisingly, we observed that core orbitals are also rotated during this localization procedure, even though they are fully localized. We show in an appendix that, using this localization criterion, it is actually allowed.

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Excited-state absorption (ESA) corresponds to the transition between two electronic excited states and is a fundamental process for probing and understanding light-matter interactions. Accurate modeling of ESA is indeed often required to interpret time-resolved experiments. In this contribution, we present a dataset of 53 ESA oscillator strengths in three different gauges and the associated vertical transition energies between 71 excited states of 23 small- and medium-sized molecules from the QUEST database. The reference values were obtained within the quadratic-response (QR) CC3 formalism using eight different Dunning basis sets. We found that the d-aug-cc-pVTZ basis set is always adequate while its more compact double-$\zeta$ counterpart, d-aug-cc-pVDZ, performs well in most applications. These QR-CC3 data allow us to assess the performance of QR-TDDFT, with and without applying the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, using a panel of global and range-separated hybrids (B3LYP, BH{\&}HLYP, CAM-B3LYP, LC-BLYP33, and LC-BLYP47), as well as several lower-order wavefunction methods, i.e., QR-CCSD, QR-CC2, EOM-CCSD, ISR-ADC(2), and ISR-ADC(3). We show that QR-TDDFT delivers acceptable errors for ESA oscillator strengths, with CAM-B3LYP showing particular promise, especially for the largest molecules of our set. We also find that ISR-ADC(3) exhibits excellent performance

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Abstract A series of windmill‐shape heterocyclic molecules containing three N−B←N units, TBN and its derivatives, with quasi‐planar C 3 symmetric backbone, are synthesized. The parent TBN exhibits a strongly allowed, doubly degenerate lowest excited state but suffers from very low fluorescence, due to very fast nonradiative decay rate through a conical intersection (CI) as revealed by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and quantum‐chemical calculations. Introducing peripheral phenyl‐ or thienyl‐groups (Ph‐TBN or Th‐TBN) induces pronounced bathochromic shifts and enhances fluorescence, which is beneficial from inhibited nonradiative pathway by the increased energy barriers to access the CI at excited state. The understanding of this rather uncommon behaviour may open routes for the design of novel fluorescence materials.

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To expand the existing QUEST database of accurate vertical transition energies [Véril et al. WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2021, 11, e1517], we have modeled more than 100 electronic excited states of different natures (local, charge-transfer, Rydberg, singlet, and triplet) in a dozen of mono- and di-substituted benzenes, including aniline, benzonitrile, chlorobenzene, fluorobenzene, nitrobenzene, among others. To establish theoretical best estimates for these vertical excitation energies, we have employed advanced coupled-cluster methods including iterative triples (CC3 and CCSDT) and, when technically possible, iterative quadruples (CC4). These high-level computational approaches provide a robust foundation for benchmarking a series of popular wave function methods. The evaluated methods all include contributions from double excitations (ADC(2), CC2, CCSD, CIS(D), EOM-MP2, STEOM-CCSD), along with schemes that also incorporate perturbative or iterative triples (ADC(3), CCSDR(3), CCSD(T)(a)$^\star$, and CCSDT-3). This systematic exploration not only broadens the scope of the QUEST database but also facilitates a rigorous assessment of different theoretical approaches in the framework of a homologous chemical series, offering valuable insights into the accuracy and reliability of these methods in such cases. We found that both ADC(2.5) and CCSDT-3 can provide consistent estimates, whereas among less expensive methods SCS-CC2 is likely the most effective approach. Importantly, we show that some lower order methods may offer reasonable trends in the homologous series while providing quite large average errors, and \emph{vice versa}. Consequently, benchmarking the accuracy of a model based solely on absolute transition energies may not be meaningful for applications involving a series of similar compounds.

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Recent work has documented conjugate polycyclic hydrocarbons presenting unusual properties: accepting full on-bond electron pairing, they could be considered as closed-shell architectures, but their ground-state wave function is actually a pure diradical singlet, free of any ionic component, in contrast to diradicaloids. These so-called entangled molecules also differ from disjoint diradicals, which do not accept on-bond electron pairing, in that their singly occupied molecular orbitals (SOMOs) are spatially entangled rather than disjoint. The present work first extends the study to a broad series of architectures exhibiting the same properties, namely: they present two degenerate SOMOs in the topological Hückel Hamiltonian, and their pure diradical wave functions lead to symmetry-keeping geometries. These solutions are always of lower energy than the closed-shell solutions that break symmetry and destroy aromaticity of some six-membered rings. A topological criterion ensuring that a given conjugate hydrocarbon will behave as an entangled pure diradical is then formulated. Next, a second set of molecules is proposed, still exhibiting two degenerate Hückel SOMOs, but with smaller contrast between the energies of open-shell and closed-shell solutions. Conservation of six-membered rings aromaticity appears as the driving factor ruling the stability of diradical solutions.

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